Passport to Apprenticeship


The Passport to Careers program helps former foster youth and unaccompanied homeless youth prepare for and succeed in college, apprenticeships, or pre-apprenticeship programs. Passport to Careers includes two sub-programs: Passport to College and Passport to Apprenticeship. 

Check Eligibility

Passport to Apprenticeship is designed to remove barriers for youth and young adults, ages 13-21, who have experienced foster care or unaccompanied homelessness. This program supports those interested in enrolling, or who are enrolled, in a state registered apprenticeship or pre-apprenticeship program. Passport to Apprenticeship covers occupational-specific costs and provides case management to help support youth and young adults exploring apprenticeship as a successful career pathway.

Eligibility Requirements:

    • 13-21 years old
    • Experienced foster care after age 13 OR homelessness within the last year
    • Will enroll or already enrolled in state-registered apprenticeship or state recognized pre-apprenticeship program

We can assist with:

  • Work Clothing
  • Work-related supplies
  • Prepaid Phone or phone bill
  • Transportation: bus pass, gas cards, driver’s license support
  • Professional Clothing
  • Union Dues and/or Initiation Fees
  • Hygiene resources
  • Apprenticeship Books and Tuition
  • Emergency Services (Rent, Utilities, Car Repairs, etc.)
  • Application to registered apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs


I committed to the Passport program because I have realized that it is a program that will help me achieve my goal in the trade I want to be in. That is the reason why I got motivated.

Yes, my biggest barrier was transportation. Passport made sure that they got me a bus card and also got my driver’s license. Passport made sure I got my driver’s license before I graduated; they paid everything for me.

I am super grateful to the Passport program, especially Halley Shriber! Thank you so much for everything you have done for me, I personally think every member of a Passport needs someone like Halley in their life.

I got very prepared through resources that I am getting from Passport to get my career going on.

My pre-apprenticeship in ANEW makes sure I touch multiple angles in construction trades. I had the opportunity to visit many unions during my training. Before I joined, I wanted to be a Plumber, but through my visit to different Unions I have changed my mind to join Laborers Union Local 242. I choose Labor because I love trying different new things and that is exactly what I am doing now. I am enjoying it.

Fatawu Haruna

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